The Series


The series follows Codric, an executioner who lives in the Southern part of Frankia

( the modern country of France ) in the first years after the collapse of the Roman Empire.

Codric’s dungeon and execution grounds are never empty

as the Earl appears to send a good deal of girls to their agonizing death…


The young and beautiful peasant girl Caudalia is one of these unfortunate souls…

Convicted of witchcraft, she is sentenced to suffer at Codric’s skillful hands…





Maybe the Earl’s daughter, Fayana, has a hand in all of this…

After all, she has a fetish for torture and execution. How many damsels will fall victim to the good Earl wanting to please his daughter… And how long until Fayana will finally give in to her ultimate desire…

Her wild and dark dream to be the focus of Codric’s savage skills herself?






See how the story unfolds in the first volume!

Happy reading,




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