How To Pay With A Credit Card

Not sure how to pay with a credit card using the Paypal Check Out? No problem!

Here’s ho to do it:

When you have a product in your cart, go to your cart page and click “proceed to check out”:


On the Check Out page, complete your information, and at the bottom, select “Paypal Or Credit Card” as a payment method:

This will take you to the Paypal payment terminal, but no worries: there is a button there that allows you to pay with a credit card:

Below the blue button to log in to PayPal, there is a grey button that says “Pay with Credit Card”. (this page will be displayed in your language, so as in the example above, the text might differ)

When clicking on this grey button, you will be taken to a page to complete your credit card info:

Fill out the required information and scroll down to the bottom of the page. There you will find a button to complete the payment:

And that’s how you pay with a Credit Card using the Paypal Payment Terminal.